Black Duck by Fred Croft, Belleville, Ontario. Original paint, glass eyes, hollow, rigging hook and leather strap, 2-"FC" brands on bottom. Has some hunting wear, measures 16" long, 6" wide, and 5" tall.
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Green Wing Teal Drake by Doug Deserf, Dalzell Illinois. Original paint, slightly turned head, glass eyes, solid body, raised carved crossed wing. Very nice paint and detail, "DOUG DESERF 3-01"...
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Vintage Duck Call by Charles Grubbs, Chicago, Illinois. Worn condition, single metal reed, needs adjusted for sound. Measures 5" long.
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Miniature Standing Green Wing Teal by George Strunk, Glendora New Jersey. Excellent mint condition, all original, slightly raised tail, detail carving and paint, metal legs, signed and branded on bottom...
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Wisconsin Blue Bill, Green Bay area. Painted eyes, feather painting on back, measures 12" long, 4" wide, and 5" tall.
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