Third size standing Canada Ice Goose by Jim Slack, Pekin Illinois. All original with glass eyes, metal leg, hollow body. Stands 10" tall, measures 12" from head to tail and is 3-1/2" wide. Nice example of this carver's work.
Sold $200.00
Mallard Drake by Homer "Slim" Hendrickson, 1972. Original paint, solid body, nicely carved working decoy with slightly raised wings, a few paint rubs and flaking. Measures 14" long, 5" wide,...
Sold $175.00
Glynn Scobey Goose Call with flying Canada Goose painted on barrel, Newbern Tennessee. Wooden barrel is signed by maker. Call works and is in good used condition, 6-1/2" long.
Sold $90.00
The Fish Decoy Book Volume II by Art, Brad, and Scott Kimball. 192 page, hard cover, signed by all 3 authors. Filled with pictures and a lot of information from...
Sold $350.00
George Sibley Bluebill, Whitehall Michigan. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, hollow body, paint has been taken down. Decoy has a crack on the back on one side, but otherwise in good...