Pratt Factory Blue-Winged Teal Hen, Joliet Illinois. Original paint, glass eyes, solid body, has a small tail chip and has hunting wear, "N" carved in bottom, small hairline neck crack, but decoy is structurally sound. Measures 14" long, 4" wide, and 5-1/2" tall.
Sold $200.00
Mallard Drake by Homer "Slim" Hendrickson, 1972. Original paint, solid body, nicely carved working decoy with slightly raised wings, a few paint rubs and flaking. Measures 14" long, 5" wide,...
Sold $175.00
Glynn Scobey Goose Call with flying Canada Goose painted on barrel, Newbern Tennessee. Wooden barrel is signed by maker. Call works and is in good used condition, 6-1/2" long.
Sold $90.00
The Fish Decoy Book Volume II by Art, Brad, and Scott Kimball. 192 page, hard cover, signed by all 3 authors. Filled with pictures and a lot of information from...
Sold $350.00
George Sibley Bluebill, Whitehall Michigan. Circa 1920's, glass eyes, hollow body, paint has been taken down. Decoy has a crack on the back on one side, but otherwise in good...