January 18, 2012

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Goose Season End

Hello folks, Well since the last blog, goose season in our zone has ended and not with a bang.  Unusually high temps and no wind gave our resident geese no reason to fly or feed.  Managed to harvest just a handful.  Steady temps in the upper 40's and low 50's did provide some good sauger fishing on the Illinois River though.  Fished 4 or 5 days with some friends and caught our fair share, nothing real big, but fishing in January on open water in Illinois is always nice, especially when it's in just a sweatshirt. RIght now, got some buddies duck hunting out of state, hopefully have a good report from them for the next blog.  Who knows, maybe even an ice fishing report. Stay tuned
December 26, 2011

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Illinois River Duck Season Close

Hi Folks, Well, the Illinois River duck season came to a slow icy end.  We had a few mediocre days with mostly mallards being harvested, but they were few and far between.  Non the less, overall the duck season was a pretty good one.  I was fortunate enough to hunt 59 of 60 days and added a lot of great memories and stories to tell.  Well in to the goose season now, and I will update in a week or so.  Hope your hunting and decoy collecting are going well.  Stay tuned and thanks for visiting Muddy Water Decoys.
November 14, 2011

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November 07, 2011

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Midway duck season Illinois River

Well, we have eased our way into the middle of the Illinois duck season.  Here on the Illinois River we've been up and down with some good days, but more slow ones then anything.  Pretty warm weather and not a lot of wind has made it more difficutl then expected, but a few tasty woodducks have managed to find their way over the dekes. Thursday, November 3rd was an exception with a rain storm and windy conditions.  A friend and I bagged our 8 mallards and a bonus bufflehead.  A migration of birds came thru that day with great reports up and down the river.  Doesn't seem to happen often enough anymore.  Next report 7 to 10 days- stay tuned and thanks for checking out our website.
October 16, 2011

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Illinois River Opening weekend

Hi all-- Just completed opening weekend here on the Illinois River.  Had a very nice 2 days.  Saturday, 3 friends and myself shot 5 mallards, 7 woodies, 2 blue wings, and 1 green wing teal.   Throughout the Illinois Valley word had it that good shooting was spotty at best on Saturday. Sunday, as usual, the ducks seem to have already gained a college education.  However, we managed 4 woodies, 2 mallards, and a big Canada Goose.  Not bad as compared to alot of other reports from fellow hunters around the area. Stay tuned for more reports in the future.
September 22, 2011

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Mudlake squirrel hunt

Beautiful morning- went to Mudlake for a little squirrel hunting.  Had a very enjoyable morning- shot 4 squirrels and got to listen to some geese and ducks come in to the lake... hopefully a sign of the upcoming months.
September 15, 2011

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Last day of early Goose season

Had a nice grand finally of the early goose season today.  Hunted a picked cornfield with some friends, we killed 5 Geese and 19 Doves.  Saw in the neighborhood of around 200 geese and another 200 doves.  The doves are really grouping up looks like they're getting ready to go South.  Also had a couple small groups of wood ducks work the cornfield after shooting time when we were picking up our decoys.  Pretty nice day!